Adler the Eagle and Blazen the Dragon Furry Mascot Enamel Pin

Adler the Eagle and Blazen the Dragon Furry Mascot Enamel Pin


Sold Out


Adler the Eagle (He/Him) & Blazen the Dragon (He/Him)

Every Camp Feral! needs some guests of honour, and luckily we had a couple hanging around!

Adler the Eagle is an animator, fursuiter, and content creator who promotes a positive attitude through videos that entertain and inspire. Whether he is telling an embarrassing story about his childhood, giving marching bands the respect they deserve, comically reviewing bargain bin products, or spending New Years Eve streaming and raising funds for charity, his goal is always the same: to help you smile and encourage you to help someone else smile too.

Blazen the Dragon is a fursuiter, entertainer, and director of 'Flappy New Years' (an annual charity stream Adler co-hosts with a variety of suiters.) He appears alongside Adler and is always a fun, sweet, and silly companion to Adler's wholesome nature, and we can't picture one without the other. Therefore, we felt it only made sense that both Blazen and Adler be included in this design as our "guests of honour."


Pin details:
- Hard enamel
- Black nickel plated
- Approx. 2 inches (50.8mm) wide/tall
- 2 pins with rubber clutches

A grade pins are pins without noticeable flaws or with tiny flaws, great for displaying on a pin board or in a shadow box. A- grade pins are pins with very small faults in the enamel or plating, great for wearing near eye-level or in an itabag. B grade pins have noticeable minor flaws (minor nicks and scratches, issues with enamel fill or plating, etc), perfect for wearing on battle jackets, placed on bags and other places it'll get kicked around more. C grade pins have minor damage and/or noticeable defects to the intended design (larger scratches or dents, wrong/missing enamel fill colours, problems with plating bent pin post(s), etc.), good for use in places it'll be damaged.



  • A Grade (sold out)

  • A- Grade (sold out)

  • B Grade ($18.00) (sold out)

  • C Grade ($15.00) (sold out)